The 2010 update to the California Statewide ITS Architecture included a literature review, review of goals and objectives of stakeholders, updating stakeholder lists; documenting actual inventory (service systems in place, or planned), interviews and face-to face meetings with stakeholders, and mapping (linking of inventory) to Architecture system elements.

As part of the update effort, an ITS architecture maintenance tool "System Builder" was developed. System Builder satisfies federal requirements to have the capability to update architecture elements, either for new stakeholders, new projects or changes in the systems already in place. The future update to the CA Statewide ITS Architecture will be presented as a dynamic online data resource. It will have consistent user interface and be fully integrated into the System Builder. The updated Statewide Architecture will be presented to stakeholders and the public users in the System Builder website with other regional ITS architecture resources.

Please see below for project deliverables and project information for the California Statewide ITS Architecture:

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last updated 3/19/2015

For more information regarding this project, contact Mitchell Prevost at

For more information regarding this project's web site, contact Melissa Hewitt at