
NOTE: If you use Microsoft Office 2010, the Office document files below may need to be downloaded to your computer first in order to view (due to new Microsoft authentication protocols). To download, right-click over the desired link below and select "Save Target As" from the menu that pops up.

  • UHP - UDOT Memorandum of Understanding (Agenda .doc file)
  • 2010-2012 Nebraska Motorist Assist Summary and Funding Plan (Agenda .doc file)
  • Caltrans CMS Guidelines - 2006 (Agenda .pdf file)
  • NDOT I-80 Procedural Guidelines (Agenda .doc file)
  • Lt Vehicle Chain Requirement Comparison I-80 Coalition (Agenda .xls file)
  • NDOT D2 I-80 WB Closure & Truck Prohibition Procedural Chart - May 2011 (Agenda .xls file)
  • NDOT D2 - MDS Guidelines 2004 (rev 2008) (Agenda .doc file)
  • NDOT D2 - Map District II DMS & RWIS (Agenda pdf file)
  • WYDOT - Variable Speed Limit System Policy (Agenda pdf file)
  • I-95 Corridor Coalition - Coordinating Incident Management (Agenda pdf file)
  • I-95 Corridor Coalition - Truck Parking Initiative (Agenda pdf file)
  • Technologies to Mitigate Weather Impacts on Roads - White Paper (Agenda pdf file)
  • Analysis of Multi-State/Jurisdictional Models (Agenda pdf file)
  • Federal Support for Freight Infrastructure (Agenda pdf file)
  • Commercial Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (Agenda pdf file)
  • NW Passage - Ops Guidelines for Coordination Across States (Agenda pdf file)
  • NW Passage 3.1 Corridorwide Consistent Major Event Descriptions - Final Report (Agenda pdf file)
  • NW Passage 3.1 Corridorwide Consistent Major Event Descriptions - Implementation Plan (Agenda pdf file)
  • NW Passage 5.3 Coordinated DMS Use - Workshop Summary (Agenda pdf file)