Vehicle Traffic Probe Support Functional Area


On-board systems that identify location, measure traffic conditions such as link travel time and speed and transmit data to a center or roadside equipment.

Included In

Public/Private Vehicles

Functional Requirements

1The vehicle shall respond to requests from short range communications equipment for identification information that can be used to collect basic probe information; the field equipment will remove identification information to ensure anonymity.
2The vehicle shall track its current vehicle position, speed, and heading and record snapshots of events (e.g., starts and stops, link travel times) that can be used to determine current traffic conditions.
3The vehicle shall record vehicle trip information (e.g., travel times, origin and destination information for vehicles that opt in) that can be used to support transportation planning.
4The vehicle shall transmit collected probe data to the center.
5The vehicle shall transmit collected probe data to field equipment located along the roadway.
6The vehicle shall report the number of vehicle occupants to field equipment located along the roadway.