On-board Transit Information Services Functional Area


On-board systems to furnish next-stop annunciation as well as interactive travel-related information, including routes, schedules, transfer options, fares, real-time schedule adherence, current incidents, weather conditions, non-motorized transportation services, and special events.

Included In

Johnson City Transit Demand Response Vehicles
Johnson City Transit Fixed-Route Vehicles

Functional Requirements

1The transit vehicle shall enable traffic and travel advisory information to be requested and output to the traveler. Such information may include transit routes, schedules, transfer options, fares, real-time schedule adherence, current incidents, weather conditions, and special events.
2The transit vehicle shall enable yellow pages (including non-motorized transportation) information to be requested and output to the traveler.
3The transit vehicle shall broadcast advisories about the imminent arrival of the transit vehicle at the next stop via an on-board automated annunciation system.
4The transit vehicle shall support input and output forms that are suitable for travelers with physical disabilities.
5The transit vehicle shall gather transit advisory data, including alerts and advisories pertaining to major emergencies, or man made disasters.
6The transit vehicle shall tailor the output of the request traveler information based on the current location of the transit vehicle.