Roadway Incident Detection Functional Area


Field elements that monitor traffic conditions to identify incidents. It includes traffic detectors that collect traffic flow information and identify unusual traffic conditions and advanced CCTV cameras with built-in incident detection algorithms.

Included In

TDOT Field Sensors
City of Johnson City CCTV Cameras
City of Johnson City Field Sensors
City of Elizabethton CCTV Cameras
City of Elizabethton Field Sensors
TDOT Smart Work Zone Equipment
Municipal CCTV Cameras
Municipal Field Sensors

Functional Requirements

1The field element shall collect, process, and send traffic images to the center for further analysis and distribution.
2The field element shall remotely process video data and provide an indication of potential incidents to the traffic management center.
3The field element's video devices shall be remotely controlled by a traffic management center.
4The field element shall provide operational status and fault data for the incident detection devices to the traffic management center.