TMC Incident Dispatch Coordination/Communication Functional Area


Formulates an incident response that takes into account the incident potential, incident impacts, and/or resources required for incident management. Facilitates the dispatch of emergency response and service vehicles and coordinates the response with cooperating agencies.

Included In

TDOT Region 1 TMC - Knoxville
City of Johnson City TOC
City of Elizabethton TOC
TDOT Emergency Services Coordinator

Functional Requirements

1The center shall exchange alert information and status with emergency management centers. The information includes notification of a major emergency such as a natural or man-made disaster, civil emergency, or child abduction for distribution to the public. The information may include the alert originator, the nature of the emergency, the geographic area affected by the emergency, the effective time period, and information and instructions necessary for the public to respond to the alert. This may also identify specific information that should not be released to the public.
2The center shall coordinate planning for incidents with emergency management centers - including pre-planning activities for disaster response, evacuation, and recovery operations.
3The center shall support requests from emergency management centers to remotely control sensor and surveillance equipment located in the field, provide special routing for emergency vehicles, and to provide responding emergency vehicles with signal preemption.
4The center shall exchange incident information with emergency management centers, maintenance and construction centers, transit centers, information service providers, and the media including description, location, traffic impact, status, expected duration, and response information.
5The center shall share resources with allied agency centers to implement special traffic control measures, assist in clean up, verify an incident, etc. This may also involve coordination with maintenance centers.
6The center shall receive inputs concerning upcoming events that would effect the traffic network from event promoters, traveler information service providers, media, border crossings, and rail operations centers.
7The center shall provide road network conditions and traffic images to emergency management centers, maintenance and construction centers, and traveler information service providers.
8The center shall monitor incident response performance and calculate incident response and clearance times.
9The center shall exchange road network status assessment information with emergency management and maintenance centers including an assessment of damage sustained by the road network including location and extent of the damage, estimate of remaining capacity, required closures, alternate routes, necessary restrictions, and time frame for repair and recovery.
10The center shall coordinate information and controls with other traffic management centers.
11The center shall receive inputs from emergency management and transit management centers to develop an overall status of the transportation system including emergency transit schedules in effect and current status and condition of the transportation infrastructure.
12The center shall support an interface with a map update provider, or other appropriate data sources, through which updates of digitized map data can be obtained and used as a background for traffic incident management.
13The center shall respond to requests from border agencies to implement special traffic control measures (e.g. lane assignments by vehicle type) on the approaches to a border crossing.