AD2-ITS Data Warehouse: Lakeway MTPO




This market package includes all the data collection and management capabilities provided by the ITS Data Mart, and adds the functionality and interface definitions that allow collection of data from multiple agencies and data sources spanning across modal and jurisdictional boundaries. It performs the additional transformations and provides the additional meta data management features that are necessary so that all this data can be managed in a single repository with consistent formats. The potential for large volumes of varied data suggests additional on-line analysis and data mining features that are also included in this market package in addition to the basic query and reporting user access features offered by the ITS Data Mart.

Includes Elements

City of Morristown Police Department
Municipal TOC
ETHRA Transit Dispatch Center
City of Morristown TOC
City of Jefferson City TOC
Municipal Police Department
Archive Data User
TDOT Project Planning Division Archive
Hamblen County Sheriffs Office
Jefferson County Sheriffs Office
Lakeway MTPO Data Archive