MCM Maintenance Decision Support Functional Area


Maintenance Decision Support Systems recommend courses of action based on current and forecast environmental and road conditions (filtered and fused for specific time horizons) and additional application specific information. Recommendations and dispatch instructions are generated based on this integrated information.

Included In

City of Morristown TOC
TDOT Region 1 District Operations
City of Morristown Public Works Department
Municipal/County Maintenance

Functional Requirements

1The center shall provide the center personnel with tailored external information, including weather or road condition observations, forecasted weather information or road conditions, current usage of treatments and materials, available resources, equipment and vehicle availability, road network information, and source reliability information.
2The center shall tailor the decision support information to include filtering (selection from a large amount of external information), error reduction ('smoothing' the information), fusion (combination of disparate information to match the decision needs), and analysis (creating the decision).
3The center shall provide an interface to the center personnel to input control parameters for the decision support process and receive decisions or information presentation.
4The center shall provide dispatch information to maintenance and construction vehicles based on the outputs of the decision support system, including recommended roadway treatment actions.