Meeting Archives

May 1, 2013 – Webinar
Provided attendees with briefing on the winter 2012/2013 recap, truck parking map available on I-80 Coalition website, TMC Manager monthly calls and the status of the 2013 application for the Multi-State Corridor Grant and coordination with the I-15 Mobility Alliance, and other next steps.

September 25-26, 2012 – Fall Conference
Five state DOTs convened once more in Reno, Nevada to discuss activities accomplished and updates within each state since the September 2011 Fall Conference. The topics discussed at this meeting included weather technology and strategic planning, incident management and response during winter weather, freight, traveler information, FHWA’s new guidelines for disseminating road weather information, and Coalition planning moving forward. Representatives from the freight industry were in attendance to support discussions. Where PowerPoint presentation files were utilized during this event, they are provided as links below:

March 22, 2012 - Webinar

Provided attendees with briefing on the Multi-State Corridor Grant Application that was submitted in January, UDOT Traffic Application, status of the IMO/NCAR project with NDOT and UDOT, WYDOT Commercial Vehicle Traveler Information Portal, ongoing RWIS Strategic Plan development efforts, winter 2011/2012 recap, and other next steps.

September 26-27, 2011 – Fall Conference
Five state DOTs convened once more in Reno, Nevada to discuss activities accomplished and updates within each state since the October 2010 Fall Conference. The topics discussed at this meeting included freight, weather information, traveler information, traffic operations, maintenance, and individual task force accomplishments and action items. Representatives from the freight industry were in attendance to support discussions. Where PowerPoint presentation files were utilized during this event, they are provided as links below:

May 24, 2011 - Webinar
Provided attendees with Winter 2010/2011 updates, Coalition activities, progress, and actions since the October Fall Conference, as well as the Task Force objectives moving forward.

October 26-27, 2010 - Fall Conference
Five state DOTs convened in Reno, Nevada to discuss activities accomplished since the January Kick-Off Meeting as well as dive into detailed discussions on the topics of freight, weather information, traveler information, maintenance, and TMC operations. Representatives from the freight industry and other private industry were in attendance to support discussions. Where PowerPoint presentation files were utilized during this event, they are provided as links below.

June 8, 2010 - Webinar
Provided attendees with Coalition activities, progress, and actions since the January Workshop, as well as the introduction of new concepts/opportunities for Coalition members to consider moving forward.

January 26-27, 2010 - Kick-Off Meeting
Four state DOTs convened in Reno, Nevada to discuss traffic operations and maintenance activities during winter weather conditions. The focus of the meeting was on sharing existing programs/systems with other Coalition states and developing key strategies to move states closer in coordination, sharing resources and information, and leveraging state strengths to build more cohesive traffic operations and maintenance activities across all four states. Representatives from North/West Passage and I-95 Coalition presented guidance in formulating a Coalition.