Interface: City of Memphis Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment - City of Memphis Variable LED Streetlights

Architecture Flow Definitions
environmental situation data (Planned) Applicable ITS Standards
Aggregated and filtered vehicle environmental data collected from vehicle safety and convenience systems including measured air temperature, exterior light status, wiper status, sun sensor status, rain sensor status, traction control status, anti-lock brake status, and other collected vehicle system status and sensor information. This information flow represents the aggregated and filtered environmental data sets that are provided by the RSE to the back office center. Depending on the RSE configuration and implementation, the data set may also include environmental sensor station data collected by the RSE.
traffic situation data (Planned) Applicable ITS Standards
Current, aggregate traffic data collected from connected vehicles that can be used to supplement or replace information collected by roadside traffic detectors. It includes raw and/or processed reported vehicle speeds, counts, and other derived measures. Raw and/or filtered vehicle control events may also be included to support incident detection.