Interface: TDOT Region 4 TMC - Memphis - City of Memphis Police Department

Architecture Flow Definitions
current lane restrictions (Planned) Applicable ITS Standards
Information provided to an enforcement agency that defines the current enforceable lane restrictions. It defines the location, duration, and restrictions for lanes that are reserved for the exclusive use of certain types of vehicles (e.g., transit vehicles) or vehicles that meet other qualifications (e.g., number of occupants, low emissions criteria). It identifies the lane(s), the start and stop locations, start and end times, vehicle restrictions, and speed limits.
incident report (Existing)
Report of an identified incident including incident location, type, severity and other information necessary to initiate an appropriate incident response.
lane violation notification (Planned) Applicable ITS Standards
Notification to enforcement agency of detected lane entry violations, lane speed violations, or other dynamic lane violations. Lane entry violations may be issued for restricted vehicle types or vehicles that do not meet required emissions or passenger occupancy standards that enter a managed lane. This notification identifies the vehicle and documents the lane parameter that was violated.
threat information coordination (Existing)
Sensor, surveillance, and threat data including raw and processed data that is collected by sensor and surveillance equipment located in secure areas.