Type | SDO | Title | Doc ID |
Standard Profile | Profile | NTCIP using SNMP | NTCIP-SNMP |
Message/Data | Consortium of AASHTO, ITE, and NEMA | Object Definitions for Actuated Traffic Signal Controller (ASC) Units | NTCIP 1202 |
Consortium of AASHTO, ITE, and NEMA | Object Definitions for Environmental Sensor Stations (ESS) | NTCIP 1204 |
Consortium of AASHTO, ITE, and NEMA | Object Definitions for Signal Control and Prioritization (SCP) | NTCIP 1211 |
Communications Protocol | Consortium of AASHTO, ITE, and NEMA | Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) Application Profile | NTCIP 2302 |