Shelby County Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment




Field devices that are able to send information to and receive information from adjacent vehicles that are equipped with digital short-range communications (DSRC) or other wireless communications technology.


StakeholderRoleRole Status
Shelby CountyOwnsPlanned


Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment

Interfaces To

(View Context Diagram)

City of Memphis TOC
Memphis and Shelby County Health Department Emissions Sensors
Memphis and Shelby County Health Department Pollution Control
Municipal RWIS Sensors
Municipal Speed Monitoring Equipment
Municipal/County Maintenance
Municipal/County Maintenance Vehicles
Municipal/County RWIS Sensors
Private Contract EMS Vehicles
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices
Public/Private Vehicles
Shelby County Field Sensors
Shelby County Fire Vehicles
Shelby County TOC
Shelby County Traffic Signals