Interface: Vehicle Operator - Commercial Vehicles

Vehicle Operator to Commercial Vehicles Interface Diagram

Information Flow Definitions

alert response  (Planned)  

This flow represents the tactile or auditory interface with ITS equipment. It contains the response by a Commercial Vehicle Driver or Fleet–Freight Manager that confirms or cancels an alert.

alerts  (Planned)  

This flow represents the visual or auditory interface with ITS equipment containing specific alerts and messages related to commercial vehicles (e.g., trucks not advised, trucks over 10 tons not allowed on bridge, route details). This also includes detected route deviations and warning indications detected by on–board sensors (e.g., safety) and freight equipment sensors (e.g., breach, cargo).

cv driver input  (Planned)  

This flow represents the tactile or auditory interface with ITS equipment containing the commercial vehicle driver and vehicle information. This flow contains inquiries to the commercial vehicle managing system, interaction with on–board equipment including setup, configuration, and initiation of self tests, and entry of carrier, driver, vehicle, and route information.

trip log information  (Planned)  

This flow represents the tactile or auditory interface with ITS equipment containing the information entered into the trip log, or request for update.