
Each stakeholder agency, company, or group owns, operates, maintains or plans ITS systems in the region. The Regional ITS Architecture inventory is a list of "elements" that represent all existing and planned ITS systems in a region as well as non–ITS systems that provide information to or get information from the ITS systems.

Archive Data UserUsers that request information from the data archive systems.
CARTA Bus Stop DMSChattanooga Area Regional Transportation Authority (CARTA) real–time next bus arrival information boards at select bus stops.
CARTA Care–A–Van Dispatch CenterChattanooga Area Regional Transportation Authority paratransit service dispatch center for Care–A–Van.
CARTA Data ArchiveChattanooga Area Regional Transportation Authority data archive for transit data
CARTA Fixed Route Dispatch CenterChattanooga Area Regional Transportation Authority fixed route dispatch center.
CARTA Fixed–Route VehiclesChattanooga Area Regional Transit Authority fixed route vehicles. Includes neighborhood routes, downtown shuttles, express buses and any other fixed route service.
CARTA Maintenance Facility CCTV Camera SurveillanceChattanooga Area Regional Transportation Authority closed circuit television camera surveillance at CARTA maintenance facilities.
CARTA Paratransit VehiclesChattanooga Area Regional Transportation Authority paratransit vehicles dispatched through the Care–A–Van Dispatch Center.
CARTA Routing ApplicationChattanooga Area Regional Transportation Authority online routing application to assist travelers in developing a customized transit plan for an upcoming trip. Currently existing with Bing Maps and under Development with Google Maps.
CARTA Transit KiosksChattanooga Area Regional Transportation Authority kiosks for dissemination of transit traveler information. Kiosks can also be used for the purchase and recharging of electronic fare payment cards.
CARTA Transit Stop CCTV Camera SurveillanceChattanooga Area Regional Transportation Authority closed circuit television camera surveillance at transit transfer centers or other transit facilities.
CARTA Vehicle Electric Charging StationsElectric vehicle supply equipment that is used to charge CARTA electric buses and other vehicles
CARTA Vehicle Onboard Video SensorsVideo–based sensors on CARTA transit vehicles that allow for passenger counting and related transit user analytics.
CARTA WebsiteChattanooga Area Regional Transportation Authority website. Transit users can track the location of buses.
Catoosa County 911 DispatchCatoosa County 911 Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP). Responsible for answering all 911 calls made within the County and dispatching emergency responders.
Catoosa County EMACatoosa County Emergency Management Agency. Responsible for disaster planning for the County and operating the emergency operations center (EOC).
Catoosa Trans–Aid Data ArchiveData archive for Catoosa Trans–Aid data.
Catoosa Trans–Aid Dispatch CenterDispatch center for Catoosa County Trans–Aid vehicles.
Catoosa Trans–Aid VehiclesVehicles used by Catoosa County Trans–Aid to provide demand response transit service in Catoosa County. The fleet is equipped with AOA approved wheelchair lifts.
Catoosa Trans–Aid WebsiteWebsite with information about fares and schedules.
Chattanooga Parking Authority DMSDynamic message signs for traffic information dissemination.
Chattanooga Parking Authority Facility ManagementManaging authority for surface parking, parking lots, and parking garages owned and operated by CARTA.
Chattanooga Parking Authority Smart MetersParking meters used within the Chattanooga Parking Authority/CARTA parking system.
Chattanooga–Hamilton County Air Pollution Control BureauAir Pollution Control Bureau for Chattanooga–Hamilton County. Responsible for administering local air pollution control laws and monitoring air quality in Hamilton County.
Chattanooga–Hamilton County Air Pollution Control Bureau WebsiteAir Pollution Control Bureau website that displays daily air quality measurements and forecasts.
Chattanooga–Hamilton County Air Quality SensorsAir quality sensors that monitor ozone and particulate matter levels.
CHCNGA TPO Data ArchiveData archive for the transportation related data in Chattanooga–Hamilton County/North Georgia Transportation Planning Organization.
City of Chattanooga CCTV CamerasClosed circuit television cameras for traffic surveillance and incident management.
City of Chattanooga City Engineers OfficeCity Engineer's Office responsible for the administration of maintenance and construction projects within the City.
City of Chattanooga Connected Vehicle Roadside EquipmentCity of Chattanooga devices that are used to send messages to, and receive messages from, nearby vehicles using wireless communications technologies.
City of Chattanooga Curve Speed Warning SystemCurve warning sign with flashers that are dynamically activated when a nearby speed sensor detects a vehicle travelling at an excessive speed.
City of Chattanooga DMSDynamic message signs for traffic information dissemination.
City of Chattanooga Field SensorsRoadway equipment used to detect vehicle volumes and/or speeds. Includes equipment such as video image vehicle detection systems (VIVDS), remote traffic microwave sensors (RTMS), or traditional loops.
City of Chattanooga Fire DispatchEmergency dispatch functions for the Fire Department.
City of Chattanooga Fire VehiclesCity of Chattanooga Fire Department vehicles.
City of Chattanooga Infrastructure Monitoring SensorsEquipment that monitors the condition of pavement, bridges, tunnels, associated hardware, and other transportation–related infrastructure using both fixed and vehicle–based infrastructure monitoring sensors. Sensors collect information such as vibration, stress, temperature, and continuity.
City of Chattanooga ITS Data WarehouseData archive for the transportation related data in the City of Chattanooga.
City of Chattanooga Overheight Vehicle DetectionCity of Chattanooga sensors that detect overheight vehicles approaching a tunnel or bridge overpass with a low clearance.
City of Chattanooga Police DepartmentPolice department for the City of Chattanooga. Non–emergency functions include the collection of crash data and enforcement of speed limits and commercial vehicles.
City of Chattanooga Police DispatchEmergency dispatch functions for the Police Department.
City of Chattanooga Police VehiclesCity of Chattanooga Police Department vehicles.
City of Chattanooga Portable DMSPortable dynamic message signs used for traffic information dissemination during maintenance and construction activities, special events, or incidents.
City of Chattanooga Public Works DepartmentDivision of the Public Works Department responsible for providing daily logistical planning, resource and personnel management services, and oversight of the implementation of various services that include street construction and maintenance, emergency response, and street cleaning.
City of Chattanooga Public Works Department VehiclesVehicles used for street construction, street maintenance, and emergency maintenance response.
City of Chattanooga Rail Notification SystemRoadway equipment used to alert motorists that a crossing is currently blocked by a train.
City of Chattanooga Rectangular Rapid Flash BeaconsRectangular Rapid Flash Beacons activated by pedestrians attempting to cross at a mid–block crossing.
City of Chattanooga Road Closure GatesCity of Chattanooga roadway equipment that is used to close roads during inclement weather condtions.
City of Chattanooga Road Closure Notification SystemExisting email and fax distribution system for disseminating road closure notification information to the media and emergency dispatch.
City of Chattanooga RWISRoad weather information system sensors to monitor weather conditions at the roadway.
City of Chattanooga School Zone FlashersFlahsing beacons posted atop school zone speed limit signs.
City of Chattanooga Speed Monitoring EquipmentEquipment used to monitor vehicle speeds for use in targeting locations for police enforcement.
City of Chattanooga TOCTraffic operations center for the City of Chattanooga. Responsible for the operation of the traffic signal system, closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras, dynamic message signs (DMS), and any other ITS infrastructure deployed by the City of Chattanooga.
City of Chattanooga Traffic SignalsTraffic signal system operated by the City of Chattanooga.
City of Chattanooga Tunnel Bike Warning BeaconsBeacons activated by cyclists passing through a tunnel.
City of Chattanooga WebsiteWebsite for the City of Chattanooga. Includes information on City departments and in the future it is envisioned that the website may have real–time information about roadway conditions, including traffic images.
City of East Ridge CCTV CamerasClosed circuit television cameras for traffic surveillance and incident management.
City of East Ridge Field SensorsRoadway equipment used to detect vehicle volumes and/or speeds. Includes equipment such as video image vehicle detection systems (VIVDS), remote traffic microwave sensors (RTMS), or traditional loops.
City of East Ridge Public Safety VehiclesVehicles used by public safety in the City of East Ridge.
City of East Ridge TOCTraffic operations center for the City of East Ridge. Responsible for the operation of the traffic signal system, closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras, and any other ITS infrastructure deployed by the City of East Ridge.
City of East Ridge Traffic SignalsTraffic signal system operated by the City of East Ridge.
City of East Ridge WebsiteWebsite for the City of East Ridge. Includes information on City departments and in the future it is envisioned that the website will have real–time information about roadway conditions.
City of Red Bank CCTV CamerasClosed circuit television cameras for traffic surveillance and incident management.
City of Red Bank Field SensorsRoadway equipment used to detect vehicle volumes and/or speeds. Includes equipment such as video image vehicle detection systems (VIVDS), remote traffic microwave sensors (RTMS), or traditional loops.
City of Red Bank Public Safety VehiclesVehicles used by public safety in the City of Red Bank.
City of Red Bank TOCTraffic operations center for the City of Red Bank. Responsible for the operation of the traffic signal system, closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras, and any other ITS infrastructure deployed by the City of Red Bank.
City of Red Bank Traffic SignalsTraffic signal system operated by the City of Red Bank.
City of Red Bank WebsiteWebsite for the City of Red Bank. Includes information on City departments and in the future it is envisioned that the website will have real–time information about roadway conditions.
City of Soddy–Daisy 911 Dispatch911 Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) responsible for answering all 911 calls made within the City and dispatching emergency responders.
City of Soddy–Daisy CCTV CamerasClosed circuit television cameras for traffic surveillance and incident management.
City of Soddy–Daisy Field SensorsRoadway equipment used to detect vehicle volumes and/or speeds. Includes equipment such as video image vehicle detection systems (VIVDS), remote traffic microwave sensors (RTMS), or traditional loops.
City of Soddy–Daisy Public Safety VehiclesVehicles used by public safety in the City of Soddy–Daisy.
City of Soddy–Daisy TOCTraffic operations center for the City of Soddy–Daisy. Responsible for the operation of the traffic signal system, closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras, and any other ITS infrastructure deployed by the City of Soddy–Daisy.
City of Soddy–Daisy Traffic SignalsTraffic signal system operated by the City of Soddy–Daisy.
City of Soddy–Daisy WebsiteWebsite for the City of Soddy–Daisy. Includes information on City departments and in the future it is envisioned that the website will have real–time information about roadway conditions.
Commercial VehiclesPrivately owned commercial vehicles traveling within the Region.
CyclistsIndividuals using a non–motorized pedal cycle, such as a bicycle.
Dade County 911 Dispatch911 Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) responsible for answering all 911 calls made within the county and dispatching emergency responders.
Dade County EMAEmergency management agency for Dade County. Responsible for disaster planning for the County and operating the emergency operations center (EOC).
Dade County Transit Data ArchiveData archive for Dade County Transit data.
Dade County Transit Dispatch CenterTransit dispatch center responsible for the tracking, scheduling, and dispatching of demand response vehicles operated by Dade County Transit.
Dade County Transit VehiclesDemand response transit vehicles operated by Dade County Transit.
Dade County Transit WebsiteWebsite with information about fares and schedules.
Electronic Fare Payment CardMedium for collection of transit fares electronically.
Financial Service ProviderService provider that handles exchange of money for transit electronic payment collection.
Freight EquipmentA freight container or trailer being transported through the region by a commercial vehicle.
GDOT Atlanta TMCGDOT traffic management center that serves as the Statewide Traffic Management Center. The TMC, part of the GDOT Office of Traffic Operations, has communication with all of the TCCs around the State.
GDOT CCTV CamerasClosed circuit television cameras for traffic surveillance and incident management.
GDOT District 6 Construction and MaintenanceGDOT entity responsible for the oversight of construction and maintenance in District 6.
GDOT District 6 Dalton Area OfficeGDOT Office that serves Catoosa, Dade, Murray, Walker, and Whitfield Counties.
GDOT District 6 Dalton/Whitfield CountyGDOT District 6 office located in Dalton/Whitfield County.
GDOT District 6 Engineers OfficeGDOT Office responsible for administration of maintenance and construction projects within the District as well as communicating work zone information to the public through the Public Information Office.
GDOT DMSGDOT dynamic message signs used for traffic information dissemination. DMS is currently located on southbound I–75.
GDOT Emergency Services CoordinatorGDOT coordinator responsible for managing the GDOT response in a large scale incident or disaster in which the Georgia Emergency Management Agency (GEMA) activates the state emergency operations center (EOC).
GDOT Field SensorsGDOT roadway equipment used to detect vehicle volumes and/or speeds. Includes equipment such as VIVDS, RTMS, or traditional loops.
GDOT HERO DispatchGDOT roadway service patrol dispatch.
GDOT HERO VehiclesRoadway service patrol vehicles that operate regionally on Interstates in northern Georgia.
GDOT Maintenance VehiclesGDOT vehicles used in maintenance operations.
GDOT Public Information OfficeGDOT Office responsible for the dissemination of traffic information to the media and the public.
GDOT Smart Work Zone EquipmentGDOT portable ITS equipment that can be used in work zones to more efficiently manage traffic and provide traveler information. Includes portable closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras, vehicle detection, and dynamic message signs (DMS).
GDOT Statewide Construction and Maintenance SystemCurrently the Transportation Incident Report (TIR) application is used.
GDOT Traffic SignalsGDOT traffic signal system operated on state highways.
GEMAGeorgia Emergency Management Agency. Responsible for managing emergency operations during a disaster or large scale incident.
Georgia 511 SystemStatewide 511 traveler information system central server.
Georgia NaviGAtor SystemSystem to consolidate real–time traffic, incident and construction road closure information. The information is used by agencies around the state and provides the data available on the NaviGAtor website and through 511.
GSP Troop A DispatchGeorgian State Patrol Troop A dispatch area that includes the northern Georgina counties included in the Chattanooga Regional ITS Architecture.
GSP VehiclesGeorgia State Patrol vehicles.
Hamilton County E911911 Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) responsible for answering all 911 calls made within the county and dispatching emergency responders.
Hamilton County EMAHamilton County Emergency Management Agency. Responsible for disaster planning for the County and operating the emergency operations center (EOC).
Hamilton County EMSHamilton County Emergency Medical Services. Calls are forwarded from Hamilton County E911.
Hamilton County Sheriff VehiclesHamilton County Sheriff's Office vehicles.
Hamilton County Sheriffs OfficeLaw enforcement agency for Hamilton County. The emergency dispatch functions for the Sheriff's Office are included in the Hamilton County E911. Non–emergency functions include the collection of crash data.
Health and Human ServicesAgency responsible for providing health related services including the subsidization of transportation to obtain medical services.
Local Print and Broadcast MediaLocal media that provide traffic or incident information to the public.
Location Data SourceA provider of accurate geographic position information, such as GPS.
Map Update ProviderA provider of map information which supports ITS services used by travelers.
MCCD CVO EnforcementMotor Carrier Compliance Division commercial vehicle operations inspection and enforcement.
MCCD Truck Weigh and Inspection StationCommercial vehicle inspection station with the capability to weigh commercial vehicles and evaluate their credentials.
MCCD Weigh–in–MotionMotor Carrier Compliance Division facilities with the capability to weigh commercial vehicles while they are traveling at highway speeds.
Municipal Police Department/County SheriffMunicipal police departments and county sheriffs within the Region responsible for law enforcement. The emergency dispatch functions for the police departments are included in the Hamilton County E911. Non–emergency functions include the collection of crash data.
Municipal/County CCTV CamerasMunicipal/County closed circuit television cameras for traffic surveillance and incident management.
Municipal/County Data ArchiveData archive for the transportation related data in a region.
Municipal/County Engineers OfficeMunicipal/County Engineer's office is responsible for administration of maintenance and construction projects within the Region as well as communicating work zone information to the public through the Public Information Office.
Municipal/County Field SensorsRoadway equipment used to detect vehicle volumes and/or speeds. Includes equipment such as video image vehicle detection systems (VIVDS), remote traffic microwave sensors (RTMS), or traditional loops.
Municipal/County MaintenanceDepartment that oversees the maintenance of streets, sidewalks, and roadway right–of–way.
Municipal/County Maintenance VehiclesMunicipal/County vehicles used in maintenance and construction operations.
Municipal/County Portable DMSPortable dynamic message signs used for traffic information dissemination during maintenance and construction activities, special events, or incidents.
Municipal/County Public Safety VehiclesMunicipal/County law enforcement, fire, and emergency medical services (EMS) vehicles.
Municipal/County Rail Notification SystemMunicipal/County roadway equipment used to alert motorists that a crossing is currently blocked by a train.
Municipal/County RWISRoad weather information system sensors to monitor weather conditions at the roadway.
Municipal/County TOCTraffic operations centers responsible for the operation of municipal or county signal systems and any other ITS infrastructure.
Municipal/County Traffic SignalsMunicipal/County traffic signal systems within the Chattanooga Region.
Municipal/County WebsiteMunicipal or county website that includes information on agency departments. In the future it is envisioned that the website would have real–time information about roadway conditions.
Municipal/State ActiveITS PlatformActive Traffic Management System available to TDOT and municipalities within Tennessee for the processing and broadcasting of ITS information and the surveillance and control of ITS infrastructure.
National Weather ServiceProvides official US weather, marine, fire, and aviation forecasts, warnings, meteorological products, climate forecasts, and information about meteorology.
Oak Ridge National LaboratoryOak Ridge National Laboratory is the largest US Department of Energy science and energy laboratory. The laboratory manages air quality sensors that monitor ozone and particulate matter levels.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Emissions SensorsAir quality sensors that monitor ozone and particulate matter levels. Deployed in Chattanooga as part of the Smart Corridors program.
Other GDOT District Construction and MaintenanceOther GDOT District Construction and Maintenance Offices.
Other Maintenance and Construction Management AgenciesAdditional maintenance and construction operations agencies with which information is shared for coordination in an emergency situation.
Other Private Parking FacilitiesOther privately owned public parking facilities that typically charge a fee for parking.
Other TDOT Region Construction OfficeOther TDOT regional construction offices besides the Region 2 Construction Office.
Other TDOT Region District OperationsOther TDOT regional maintenance offices.
Other Traffic Management AgenciesAdditional traffic management agencies with which information is shared for coordination in an emergency situation.
PedestriansIndividuals afoot or using a motorized or non–motorized wheelchair.
Personal Computing DevicesComputing devices that travelers use to access public information.
Private Commercial Vehicle Dispatch CentersDispatch Centers of private trucking companies who manage a commercial vehicle fleet whose trucks may pass through the region.
Private Sector Mobility ServicesPrivate companies that provide rideshare and other mobility services.
Private Sector Traveler Information ServicesTraveler information service operated by a private entity.
Private VehiclePrivate vehicles used by travelers.
Public/Private VehiclesVehicles that traverse a specific region.
Rail Operations CentersCenters responsible for the operations and tracking of trains.
Rail Operator Wayside EquipmentEquipment located along the tracks including railroad crossing gates, bells, and lights as well as the interface to the traffic signal controller indicating the presence of a train.
Regional Transit Coordination CenterJoint effort of regional demand response transit agencies to provide a single point of contact for demand response transit patrons to streamline the reservation process.
Social Networking ServicesSubscription based services operated by private providers that provide an option for real–time traveler information dissemination. Examples of such services include Facebook or Twitter.
TDOT CCTV CamerasClosed circuit television cameras for traffic surveillance and incident management.
TDOT Changeable Speed Limit SignsTDOT roadway equipment that is used to lower speed limits on the affected roadway segment.
TDOT Community Relations DivisionsTDOT Office responsible for the dissemination of traffic information to the media and the public.
TDOT Connected Vehicle Roadside EquipmentTDOT devices that are used to send messages to, and receive messages from, nearby vehicles using wireless communications technologies.
TDOT DMSTDOT dynamic message signs for traffic information dissemination.
TDOT Emergency Services CoordinatorCoordinator responsible for managing the Tennessee Department of Transportation response in a large scale incident or disaster in which the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency (TEMA) activates the state emergency operations center (EOC).
TDOT Field SensorsTDOT roadway equipment used to detect vehicle volumes and/or speeds. Includes equipment such as video image vehicle detection systems (VIVDS), remote traffic microwave sensors (RTMS), or traditional loops.
TDOT Fog SensorsTDOT roadway equipment used to detect the presence of fog and activate the rest of the fog management system.
TDOT Fog Zone Speed DetectionTDOT roadway equipment that is part of the fog management system used to detect vehicle speeds.
TDOT HARHighway advisory radio for traffic information dissemination.
TDOT HELP VehiclesRoadway service patrol vehiclesthat operate in the Region for large incidents and events.
TDOT Lane Control SignalsOverhead lane control signals along facilities maintained by TDOT.
TDOT Maintenance HeadquartersThe Tennessee Department of Transportation maintenance headquarters.
TDOT Maintenance VehiclesTDOT vehicles used in maintenance operations.
TDOT On–Ramp Closure GatesTDOT roadway equipment that is part of the fog management system used to close freeway on–ramps during a fog event.
TDOT Overheight Vehicle DetectionTDOT sensors that detect overheight vehicles approaching a tunnel or bridge overpass with a low clearance.
TDOT Protect the Queue VehiclesVehicles deployed as a part of the TDOT Protect the Queue safety program on freeways throughout the region.
TDOT Ramp Metering EquipmentRoadway equipment used in the operation of a ramp metering system. Includes the signals and any other ITS equipment.
TDOT Region 1 TMC – KnoxvilleTransportation management center for Region 1, located in Knoxville. Responsible for the operation of the ITS equipment located in Region 1. This includes the freeway management system in Knoxville as well as rural ITS deployments.
TDOT Region 2 District OperationsOffice that handles most of the routine roadway maintenance and responds to incidents when services are requested by local emergency management.
TDOT Region 2 Engineers OfficeTDOT Office is responsible for administration of maintenance and construction projects within the Region as well as communicating work zone information to the public through the Public Information Office.
TDOT Region 2 HELP DispatchTDOT roadway service patrol dispatch. Currently service is limited to the Chattanooga area except in the case of a large scale incident.
TDOT Region 2 TMC – ChattanoogaTDOT transportation management center for Region 2, located in Chattanooga. Responsible for the operation of the ITS equipment located in Region 2. This includes the freeway management system in Chattanooga as well as rural ITS deployments.
TDOT Region 3 TMC – NashvilleTransportation management center for Region 3, located in Nashville. Responsible for the operation of the ITS equipment located in Region 3. This includes the freeway management system in Nashville as well as rural ITS deployments.
TDOT Region 4 TMC – MemphisTransportation management center for Region 4, located in Memphis. Responsible for the operation of the ITS equipment located in Region 4. This includes the freeway management system in Memphis as well as rural ITS deployments.
TDOT RWIS SensorsRoad weather information system sensors to monitor weather conditions at the roadway.
TDOT Smart Work Zone EquipmentPortable ITS equipment that can be used in work zones to more efficiently manage traffic and provide traveler information. Includes portable closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras, vehicle detection, and dynamic message signs (DMS).
TDOT SmartWay WebsiteTDOT SmartWay website providing road network conditions including incident and construction information and camera views. Much of the data for the website comes from TSIS.
TDOT Statewide Information for Travelers (SWIFT)TDOT Statewide Information for Travelers (SWIFT) is a statewide roadway conditions database. Currently information can be entered by District and Regional maintenance personnel as well as staff at any of the traffic management centers (TMCs) and the Tennessee Highway Patrol (THP). SWIFT feeds the Statewide 511 system and SmartWay website.
TDOT Strategic Transportation Investments Division ArchiveTDOT data archive for the Project Planning Division. The Division is responsible for traffic data collection and analysis and includes the Short Range Planning Office.
TDOT Unmanned Aerial Vehicle CCTV CamerasClosed circuit television cameras housed in unmanned aerial vehicles for on–scene traffic surveillance and incident management.
TDOT Wrong Way Vehicle Detection and Warning SystemSensors and sign flashers that detect vehicles travelling in the wrong direction and flash a warning to those errant vehicles.
TEMATennessee Emergency Management Agency responsible for managing emergency operations during a disaster or large scale incident.
Tennessee 511 IVRTennessee 511 Interactive Voice Response. TDOT contracts the IVR operation to a vendor. The IVR accepts callers' requests and provides responses to specific traveler information needs. This is the customer interface component of the 511 phone system.
Tennessee 511 System511 traveler information system central server.
Tennessee Bureau of InvestigationResponsible for issuing statewide America's Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response (AMBER) Alerts in Tennessee.
THP CVO EnforcementTennessee Highway Patrol commercial vehicle operations inspection and enforcement.
THP DispatchTennessee Highway Patrol dispatch center. There are several THP dispatch centers around the state of Tennessee.
THP District 2 OfficeTennessee Highway Patrol District 2 Office. The District 2 Office has the ability to directly control the fog zone management system.
THP Truck Weigh and Inspection StationCommercial vehicle inspection station with the capability to weigh commercial vehicles and evaluate their credentials.
THP VehiclesTennessee Highway Patrol vehicles.
THP Weigh–in–MotionTennessee Highway Patrol facilities with the capability to weigh commercial vehicles while they are traveling at highway speeds.
TITAN DatabaseTennessee Integrated Traffic Analysis Network database. The Tennessee Department of Safety crash record database maintained by THP for the collection of crash record information. TITAN interfaces with the TraCS (Traffic and Criminal Software) system.
TravelerUser of the transportation system.
Vehicle OBEVehicle On–Board Equipment (OBE) provides the vehicle–based sensory, processing, storage, and communications functions that support efficient, safe, and convenient travel.
Vehicle OperatorOperators of commercial vehicles.
Walker County 911 DispatchWalker County 911 Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP). Responsible for answering all 911 calls made within the county and dispatching emergency responders.
Walker County EMAWalker County Emergency Management Agency. Responsible for disaster planning for the County and operating the emergency operations center (EOC).
Walker County Transit Data ArchiveData archive for Walker County Transit data.
Walker County Transit Dispatch CenterTransit dispatch center responsible for the tracking, scheduling, and dispatching of demand response vehicles operated by Walker County Transit.
Walker County Transit VehiclesVehicles used by Walker County Transit to provide demand response transit service in Walker County. Vehicles are equipped with ADA approved wheelchair lifts.
Walker County Transit WebsiteWebsite with information about fares and schedules.