Interface: City of Clarksville Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment - City of Clarksville Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon

City of Clarksville Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment to City of Clarksville Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon Interface Diagram

Information Flow Definitions

intersection control status  (Planned)  

Status data provided by the traffic signal controller including phase information, alarm status, and priority/preempt status.

mixed use crossing status  (Planned)  

Current pedestrian and other mixed use crossing information including an indication of whether the call button has been activated, the current state of the mixed use crossing signal, and information indicating whether non–motorized users are currently occupying the cross walk.

personal location information  (Planned)  

Pedestrian, bicyclist, and other non–motorized user locations at an intersection as detected and reported by an RSE.

signal service request  (Planned)  

A call for service or extension for a signal control phase that is issued by the RSE for connected vehicles approaching an intersection and/or pedestrians at a crosswalk. This flow identifies the desired phase and service time.