Interface: THP Dispatch - TDOT HELP Vehicles

THP Dispatch to TDOT HELP Vehicles Interface Diagram

Information Flow Definitions

decision support information  (Planned)  

Information provided to support effective and safe incident response, including local traffic, road, and weather conditions, hazardous material information, and the current status of resources (including vehicles, other equipment, supplies) that have been allocated to an incident.

emergency vehicle tracking data  (Planned)  

The current location and operating status of the emergency vehicle.

incident scene warning device control  (Planned)  

Data used to configure and control incident scene safety monitoring and warning devices.

incident scene warning status  (Planned)  

Status of incident scene safety monitoring and warning devices. This flow documents system activations and includes additional supporting information (e.g., an image) that allows verification of the alarm.

incident status  (Planned)  

Information gathered at the incident site that more completely characterizes the incident and provides current incident response status. This includes notification of medical facility transport and details about the vehicle occupants being transported.