Objective 07


Traffic Management – Well–Maintained, Safe, and Reliable Transportation Network


Need to utilize various strategies to improve travel within a safe, well–maintained and reliable transportation system.

Source: Clarksville Regional ITS Architecture

Associated Service Packages

MC06: Work Zone Management
MC08: Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination
PS01: Emergency Call–Taking and Dispatch
PS02: Emergency Response
PS03: Emergency Vehicle Preemption
PS08: Roadway Service Patrols
TM01: Infrastructure–Based Traffic Surveillance
TM05: Traffic Metering
TM06: Traffic Information Dissemination
TM08: Traffic Incident Management System
TM12: Dynamic Roadway Warning
TM13: Standard Railroad Grade Crossing
TM17: Speed Warning and Enforcement
TM19: Roadway Closure Management
TM20: Variable Speed Limits
WX01: Weather Data Collection
WX02: Weather Information Processing and Distribution