Roadway Speed Monitoring and Warning Functional Area


'Roadway Speed Monitoring and Warning' includes the field elements that monitor vehicle speeds. If the speed is determined to be excessive, an advisory or warning is displayed. Current environmental conditions and other factors that may reduce safe operating speeds may also be taken into account. The operational status (state of the device, configuration, and fault data) is provided to the center. This application can also provide an enforcement function, reporting speed violations to an enforcement agency.

Included In

TDOT Changeable Speed Limit Signs
City of Clarksville Speed Monitoring Equipment
City of Clarksville Changeable Speed Limit Signs

Functional Requirements

01The field element shall include sensors to detect vehicle speeds, under traffic or maintenance center control.
02The field element shall include sensors to detect vehicle speeds, under enforcement agency control.
03If the speed detected by vehicle speed sensors is determined to be excessive, the field element shall provide a safe speed advisory to passing drivers via a driver information system (such as portable messages signs, field to vehicle communications to in–vehicle signing systems, etc.).
04The field element shall base speed advisories to passing drivers on environmental conditions.
05The field element shall monitor notify an enforcement agency when a speed violation is detected.
06The field element shall return operational status for the vehicle speed sensors to the controlling traffic or maintenance center; including measured speeds, warning messages displayed, and violation records.
07The field element shall return operational status for the vehicle speed sensors to the enforcement agency.
08The field element shall return fault data for the vehicle speed sensors to the controlling center for repair.