Roadway Reversible Lanes Functional Area


'Roadway Reversible Lanes' includes field elements that monitor and control reversible lane facilities. It includes the traffic sensors, surveillance equipment, lane control signals, physical lane access controls, and other field elements that manage traffic on these facilities. It provides current reversible lane facility status information and accepts requests and control commands from the controlling center.

Included In

City of Clarksville Reversible Lane Equipment

Functional Requirements

01The field element shall monitor traffic in reversible lanes, including wrong–way vehicles, using sensors and surveillance equipment under center control.
02The field element shall include automated reversible lane equipment and driver information systems (such as lane control signals) that control traffic in reversible lanes on surface streets, under center control.
03The field element shall include automated reversible lane equipment and driver information systems (such as lane control signals) that control traffic in reversible lanes on freeways, under center control.
04The field element shall provide operational status for the reversible lane field equipment to the center.
05The field element shall provide fault data for the reversible lane field equipment to the center.