TM07: Regional Traffic Management: Fort Campbell

Need Area Description

This service package provides for the sharing of traffic information and control among traffic management centers to support regional traffic management strategies. Regional traffic management strategies that are supported include coordinated signal control in a metropolitan area and coordination between freeway operations and arterial signal control within a corridor. This service package advances the Surface Street Control and Freeway Control service Packages by adding the communications links and integrated control strategies that enable integrated interjurisdictional traffic management. The nature of optimization and extent of information and control sharing is determined through working arrangements between jurisdictions. This package relies principally on roadside instrumentation supported by the Surface Street Control and Freeway Control service Packages and adds hardware, software, and fixed–point to fixed–point communications capabilities to implement traffic management strategies that are coordinated between allied traffic management centers. Several levels of coordination are supported from sharing of information through sharing of control between traffic management centers.

Need Area Type: Unspecified

Service Package

TM07: Regional Traffic Management: Fort Campbell

Includes Needs

01Traffic Operations need to exchange traffic and incident data with other Traffic Management Centers in order to support regional coordination spanning jurisdictional boundaries.
02Traffic Operations need to exchange traffic control data with other traffic management centers to support inter–jurisdictional, real–time coordinated traffic signal control systems and coordination between freeway operations and traffic signal control within a corridor.