PT09: Transit Signal Priority: CTS

Need Area Description

This service package determines the need for transit priority on routes and at certain intersections and requests transit vehicle priority at these locations. The signal priority may result from limited local coordination between the transit vehicle and the individual intersection for signal priority or may result from coordination between transit management and traffic management centers. Coordination between traffic and transit management is intended to improve on–time performance of the transit system to the extent that this can be accommodated without degrading overall performance of the traffic network.

Need Area Type: Unspecified

Service Package

PT09: Transit Signal Priority: CTS

Includes Needs

01Transit Operations needs to provide approaching Transit Vehicle location and heading to the roadside signal controller so that the controller can modify signal timing in favor of the transit vehicle.
02Transit Operations needs to provide approaching Transit Vehicle location and heading to traffic operations so that they can adjust the signal controller signal timing in favor of the transit vehicle.
03Transit Operations needs to provide transit vehicle data to Traffic Operations including loading information and schedule performance in order to support decision making regarding whether to give the transit vehicle priority at the intersection.
04The Commercial Vehicle Driver needs to progress through his arterial route safely and efficiently.