PS07: Incident Scene Safety Monitoring: TDOT Region 3

Need Area Description

––Instance of PS07–– This service package employs communications technologies to provide warnings and alerts relating to incident zone operations. One aspect of the service is an in–vehicle messaging system that provides drivers with merging and speed guidance around an incident. Another aspect is providing in–vehicle incident scene alerts to drivers, both for the protection of the drivers as well as incident zone personnel. A third aspect is a warning system for on–scene workers when a vehicle approaching or in the incident zone is being operated outside of safe parameters for the conditions.

Need Area Type: Unspecified

Service Package

PS07: Incident Scene Safety Monitoring: TDOT Region 3

Includes Needs

01Emergency Management needs to be able to alert drivers when they have entered an incident zone and direct them to change course (merge, change lanes) as needed in order to maintain a safe distance between them and the emergency personnel.
02Emergency Personnel need to be able to receive alerts whenever a vehicle is entering an incident zone and represents a potential threat to their safety.
03Emergency Management needs to be able to maintain location and situational information about the emergency vehicles responding to or on the scene of an incident to be able to provide a complete picture of the response and share the status with other responding vehicles en route.
04Emergency Management needs to be able to provide real–time information on the current conditions at the incident scene to arriving responders and to other information assets.
05Emergency Management needs to provide remote monitoring and control of incident scene safety devices that detect vehicle intrusions in designated areas at the incident scene.