VS12: Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety: TDOT

Need Area Description

––Instance of VS12–– This service package supports the sensing and warning systems used to interact with pedestrians, cyclists, and other non–motorized users that operate on the main vehicle roadways, or on pathways that intersect the main vehicle roadways. These systems allow automated warning or active protection for this class of users. It integrates traffic, pedestrian, and cyclist information from roadside or intersection detectors and new forms of data from wirelessly connected, non–motorized traveler–carried mobile devices to request right–of–way or to inform non–motorized travelers when to cross and how to remain aligned with the crosswalk or pathway based on real–time Signal Phase and Timing (SPaT) and MAP information. In some cases, priority will be given to non–motorized travelers, such as persons with disabilities who need additional crossing time, or in special conditions (e.g., weather) where non–motorized travelers may warrant priority or additional crossing time. This service package will enable a service call to be routed to the traffic controller from a mobile device of a registered person with disabilities after confirming the direction and orientation of the roadway that the individual is intending to cross. It also provides warnings to the non–motorized user of possible infringement of the crossing or pathway by approaching vehicles.

Need Area Type: Unspecified

Service Package

VS12: Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety: TDOT

Includes Needs

01Traffic Operations needs to be able to provide to connected vehicles an indication that pedestrians may be crossing or are crossing an intersection in order to reduce the likelihood of the vehicle striking the pedestrian.
02Traffic Operations needs to be able to warn pedestrians about crossing status or potential vehicle infringement into the crosswalk in order to allow the pedestrian to safely cross an intersection.
03Traffic Operations needs to be able to provide intersection priority for pedestrians or bicyclists based upon requests from the pedestrians or bicyclists.
04Traffic Operations needs to be able to inform pedestrians and bicyclists of the status of the intersection including the amount of time left for crossing the intersection.
05The Driver needs to receive warnings or have the vehicle automatically perform control actions relating to pedestrians, cyclists, and other non–motorized users that are sharing the roadway with the vehicle.