VS01: Autonomous Vehicle Safety Systems (Instance 1)

Need Area Description

––Instance of VS01–– This service package improves vehicle safety using on–board sensors that monitor the driving environment surrounding the vehicle. All levels of driving automation are supported ranging from basic warning systems that warn the driver through full automation where the vehicle controls the steering and acceleration/deceleration in all scenarios and environments, without driver intervention. Unlike other Vehicle Safety service packages, this service package includes autonomous capabilities that rely only on on–board systems without communication with other vehicles or the infrastructure.

Need Area Type: Unspecified

Service Package

VS01: Autonomous Vehicle Safety Systems (Instance 1)

Includes Needs

01Drivers need their vehicle to monitor the vehicle systems and the traffic in the vicinity of the vehicle in order determine if there are situations that require intervention by the driver or on–board safety system.
02Drivers need their vehicle to provide safety warnings to them when a safety compromising situation is detected by on board systems.
03Drivers need their vehicles to provide the vehicle control actions ranging from basic safety system intervention to prevent crashes leading up to complete operation of the vehicle depending upon the level of automation.