Parking Coordination Functional Area


Coordination between parking facilities and between parking facilities and traffic, transit, and traveler information systems. Includes sharing of hours of operation, charging strategies, lot sizes, current parking availability, and parking reservations.

Included In

VDOT Commercial Truck Parking Management

Functional Requirements

1The parking element shall exchange parking management data with other parking facilities including location, hours, availability, status, lot usage, operating strategies, and charging information.
2The parking element shall provide parking management data to traffic management centers upon request as part of the implementation of demand management programs in the region. This could include changes to hours of operation or pricing.
3The parking element shall distribute parking lot information to traffic management centers upon request to support integrated regional traffic control and parking management. This could include information on facility hours of operation and current parking availability.
4The parking element shall distribute parking lot information upon request to transit management centers for park and ride facilities, parking shuttle services, and other applications that integrate transit and parking services.
5The parking element shall distribute parking lot information upon request to traveler information providers to support travel planning.
6The parking element shall support requests for parking reservations.