
The Regional ITS Architecture resulted from the consensus input of a diverse set of stakeholders, encompassing traffic, transit, public safety, and many other operating agencies at local, state, and national levels. It includes both public and private sectors and spans the organizations that manage, support, or are impacted by the surface transportation system, with particular focus on agencies that operate transportation systems in the region.

Bristol MPOMetropolitan planning organization for the Bristol TN and Bristol VA metropolitan area.
Bristol Tennessee TransitTransit provider that operates fixed route and demand response transit service in the City of Bristol TN. Bristol Tennessee Transit (BTT) operates in close coordination with Bristol Virginia Transit (BVT) and several routes travel into Virginia. The transit agency is a department of the City of Bristol TN.
Bristol Virginia TransitTransit provider that operates fixed route and demand response transit service in the City of Bristol VA. Bristol Virginia Transit (BVT) operates in close coordination with Bristol Tennessee Transit (BTT) and several routes travel into Tennessee. The transit agency is a department of the City of Bristol VA.
City of Bristol TNMunicipal government for the City of Bristol TN. Covers all city departments including those that deal with traffic and public safety.
City of Bristol VAMunicipal government for the City of Bristol VA. Covers all city departments including those that deal with traffic and public safety.
City of Johnson City TNMunicipal government for the City of Johnson City TN. Covers all city departments including those that deal with traffic and public safety.
City of Kingsport TNMunicipal government for the City of Kingsport TN. Covers all city departments including those that deal with traffic and public safety.
District Three Governmental CooperativeAgency that operates Washington County VA Public Transit and Abingdon VA Public Transit.
Financial InstitutionHandles exchange of money for transit electronic fare collection.
First Tennessee Human Resource AgencyRegional agency that operates Northeast Tennessee Transportation (NET Trans). NET Trans provides demand response transit service ioutside of the urban areas in the TN portion of the Region.
MediaLocal media outlets. This can include television stations, newspapers, radio stations and their associated websites.
Municipal/County GovernmentGovernment for various municipalities and counties within the Region that are not specifically called out. Covers all departments including those that deal with traffic and public safety.
NOAAThe National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration gathers weather information and issues severe weather warnings.
Other AgenciesThis stakeholder represents a wide variety of agencies. The associated elements are groups of agencies or providers that do not have a primary stakeholder agency.
Private Information ProviderPrivate sector business responsible for the gathering and distribution of traveler information. This service is typically provided on a subscription basis.
Rail OperatorsCompanies that operate trains and/or are responsible for the maintenance and operations of railroad tracks.
Sullivan County TNCounty government for Sullivan County TN. Includes all county departments including the Sheriff's Office, EMS, Fire, and Highway Departments as well as the Sullivan County Emergency Management Agency.
System UsersAll of the users of the transportation system.
TDOTThe Tennessee Department of Transportation is responsible for the construction, maintenance, and operation of state roadways in Tennessee.
TEMAThe Tennessee Emergency Management Agency is responsible for emergency operations during a disaster or large scale incident.
Tennessee Bureau of InvestigationStatewide law enforcement agency responsible for issuing statewide AMBER Alerts in TN.
Tennessee Department of Health and Human ServicesState department that manages funding for medical transportation services.
THPTennessee Highway Patrol. State law enforcement agency that enforces traffic safety laws as well as commercial vehicle regulations.
Town of Abingdon VAMunicipal government for the Town of Abingdon VA. Covers all city departments including those that deal with traffic and public safety.
VDEMThe Virginia Department of Emergency Management manages emergency operations during a disaster or large scale incident.
VDOTThe Virginia Department of Transportation is responsible for the construction, maintenance, and operation of roadways in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
VSPVirginia State Police. State law enforcement agency that enforces traffic safety laws as well as commercial vehicle regulations.
Washington County VACounty government for Washington County VA. Includes all county departments including EMS and Fire, the Sheriff's Office and the Washington County VA Department of Emergency Services.